

[![package-version-npm]( ![npm-downloads](]( [![npm-dependency-versions](]( ![license-npm]( ![npm-types]( [![github-latest-commit](]( [![github-release](]( [![github-stars](]( A simple system to keep track of pronouns — and genders — with JavaScript and TypeScript.

A simple and lightweight JavaScript library for managing and creating pronouns. Supports custom pronouns! I got carried away one day and now this library also has genders.

Contibutions welcome.

The programmatic (API) documentation is available here. Built using Docma. For browser usage, see the “browser” section below.

For examples, see the examples/ folder.


Install from NPM. Type definitions are included for you TypeScript people (including me), so there’s no need to try and install @types/pronouns.js as a devDependency — it probably doesn’t exist anyways.

$ npm i pronouns.js

Browser functionality

You may use any one of the following imports:

	Recommended for production - does not rely on a CDN, fixed version
	You must download the minified webpack.js file from the GitHub repository and then include it like so
<script src="../dist/webpack.js"></script>
	Recommended for testing and development
	"" automatically redirects to the specified file of the latest version
	i.e. ""
	you may use tag @latest to select the latest version (i.e. "")
	For production, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you use a fixed version.
<script src=""></script>
	Secondary CDN - not tested
	"" serves latest version, default file
	add version tag similar to unpkg for a specified version
	For production, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you use a fixed version.
<script src=""></script>


There is no support for CJS modules (require()). Use ESM instead (import ... from ...). If it works for one version, that’s a coincidence. There is no intended support for CommonJS modules, only the modular syntax introduced in ES6. See MDN’s JavaScript module guide.